Monday, November 22, 2010

the haruan

Channa striata (Bloch, 1793)
Chevron Snakehead
Channa striata - Chevron Snakehead - click to enlarge
After Bloch, 1793; image reversed from original pl. 359
Channa striata - Chevron Snakehead - click to enlarge
After Munro, 1955; juvenile
    Note “pseudo-ocellus” on posterior lobe of dorsal fin, a juvenile characteristic (Lee and Ng, 1991).
Channa striata - Chevron Snakehead - click to enlarge
After Bleeker, 1879

the haruan (channa stiata) may be the most popular of the game fish in is the most targeted species hunted by anglers all over malaysia. its ability to absorb air directly from the surface of the water makes it a very hardy fish able to live almost anywhere.

the haruan feeds mainly on small fish and amphibians but may occasionally eat snake and water bird. these fish are some what aggressive and territorial in nature.

they can usually be found in all body of water especially swamps and waterway for paddy fields.   

Sunday, November 21, 2010

tarantula hunting

a few weeks ago i was hunting the elusive tokey gecko around tanjong malim area and i stumble across a tarantula heaven..every rock and log i unfold i found tarantulas. there every where.the population here is strong. i think its because there is no one is collecting them from here..i took a few specimens home but leave the small and big one because i dont want to harm the population.. 

a beautiful flower in the forest...not quite sure what species it grows on the forest floor

this is the first tarantula i's missing two front legs.

the biggest i caught.5cm across ang 7 cm long

the third tarantula.

more of these flowers.

in recent years i have been hunting tarantula,it was difficult to fine them.they usually burrow underground with a distinctive webbing around their burrow.

i even found some dwarf wood scorpion.

these tiny scorpion are abundant in is easily found aroung old buildings near the forest.  

unfortunately i didnt found any tokey gecko.a few giant forest gecko are found but didnt take them.
well better luck next time.